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June 01, 2017

Go mobile or go home: A look into the top mobile trends for 2017

Accessing the Internet via a mobile device has become a standard practice. Companies not adhering to this fact are bound to lose a lot of business.

A recent article from author Dave Chaffey covers several mobile marketing statistics, so let’s put look at some of the most significant mobile trends for 2017.

Play time! Game apps with in-app advertising are the deal
Imagine a market with a growth rate of 270 percent by 2020. If you are a person who is not easily convinced by percentages but rather by hard currency, how does an estimated market value of 190 billion USD sound? This is one of the most significant mobile trends for 2017: in-app advertising. These little banners will be the source of around 60 percent of the entire app revenue by 2020.

Chatbots create a personal user experience
Uber, Pizza Hut, or Bank of America are just three of many pioneers who implemented a Chatbot. These software platforms are small interfaces within messaging apps, emails, live chats and so on. Chatbots allow the user to directly interact with the company – instantly, and on a one-on-one basis. These messaging instruments not only give useful, personalized information but make the user spend more time on the website, leading them to the product that will satisfy their specific need. Based on a survey by Oracle more than 80 percent of all businesses are planning to use Chatbots.                    

Edited by Ken Briodagh

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