Two years after AT&T introduced the “Rethink Possible” theme of its advertising, the brand is rethinking the theme and adding the phrase “It’s what you do with what we do.” This and other new elements will start appearing immediately and are aimed to reflect the changes that have occurred since 2010. With more consumers wanting to be in control of brand experiences, AT&T is making this possible for them.
Significant shifts in technology marketplaces have occurred since 2010 and such social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and even blogs are bigger than ever. In addition to buffing the AT&T brand, the new elements also seek to sell specific products and services, most notably the Nokia Lumia 900 smartphone which will see its introduction in AT&T commercials on television and online media.
What though does the line “It’s what you do with what we do” meant to mean? According to the Senior Vice President for brand marketing and advertising in AT&T, Dallas, Esther Lee, the phrase is intended to be a step-up line or bridge for the “Rethink Possible” theme. After a lot of insight research into how people live with technology which included shop-alongs, in people’s living rooms and other places, it was found that people felt overwhelmed with technology. However, by 2012, people had already found ways to integrate technology into their lives.
According to Lee, “The real innovation that is happening is what people are doing, and how people are dealing, with technology. The unique ways they use it to make their lives better.”
The decision to adjust advertising themes is not uncommon. In 2010, Nissan North America rebranded their “Shift” theme to “Innovation for all.” Fast food themes for McDonalds and Burger King have also echoed the vintage ad theme similar to the rebranded AT&T theme. All of these themes have focused on the consumer, not the advertiser.
Augmenting the theme with this new phrase will be seen in many commercials. In one of the commercials, an announcer says “It’s the AT&T network. Doing more with data to help businesses do more for customers.” Being No. 2 after Procter and Gamble in ad spending in the U.S., we can expect the budget to number into billions as it has been the case in previous years.
Edited by
Jennifer Russell