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May 21, 2012

High-Speed Wi-Fi Hot Zones Rolling out in Manila

The largest telecommunications company in the Philippines, PLDT, has announced a multi-million dollar project that will see the city of Manila and other key cities get high-speed Wi-Fi hotspots. The project will start with the city of Manila where the company hopes to install over 3,000 hot zones in the metropolitan area, after which it will expand into other major towns. The project is already underway and is expected to be completed within two years.

The high-speed premium Internet access will allow shopping malls, restaurants, clubs, bars, cafes, car dealerships, cinemas, salons and other public areas to get unlimited access for a minimal fee of P150.00 per month. Once a user subscribes, they gain access to any of the 3,000 Wi-Fi zones by simply logging in using a username and a password. Alvarion Ltd., a company that provides wireless broadband connectivity solutions to telecom operators and enterprise customers was chosen as the vendor to help roll out the project. During a field trial performance test, Alvarion was able to design graphical sleeves that were environment friendly by camouflaging the Wi-Fi units with the surroundings.

The President and CEO of Alvarion, Hezi Lapid, said, “Alvarion’s advanced technology, professional network planning and experienced engineers, the company was able to offer PLDT exactly what they needed in a Wi-Fi solution.” Lapid said that Alvarion will help provide PLDT’s customers with a fantastic user experience through a strong Internet connection anywhere they are and where they may go. Founded in 1928, PLDT has been offering telecommunication services across the Philippines ranging from fixed line solutions to wireless technologies. It offers the most extensive fiber optic, satellite and cellular network in the country.

Partnering with Alvarion will ensure that PLDT leverages Alvarion’s innovative and optimized wireless solutions to provide Internet connection capabilities for handheld devices over long distances and also Non-Light-of-Sight connectivity inside buildings and where there are obstacles.

Edited by Rich Steeves

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