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May 31, 2012

Nokia Deploys World's First Intelligent 3G-4G Mobile Network

Nokia has deployed the world’s first intelligent self organizing network that manages 3G and 4G (LTE) networks. The network ensures that people receive a consistent voice and data service on whatever network they’re on.

The service, deployed on Japan’s mobile operator network, KDDI, uses the Nokia Siemens intelligent Self Organizing Networks (iSON) approach and operates across multi-vendor equipment.

“As a leader in self-organizing networks, Nokia Siemens Networks was an obvious choice when we decided to consolidate and optimize our network operating processes via automation,” said Toshihiko Yumoto, VP and General Manager, Network Technical Development Division, Technology Sector at KDDI. “The multi-vendor iSON helps us to efficiently service our customer’s always-on communication service, and this will be all the more important when we launch LTE later this year.”

Nokia launched its first Windows smartphone with LTE support, the Lumia 900, at CES 2012.

The iSON allows operators to automate and optimize network operating processes across multi-vendor technologies. It is part of Nokia's Liquid Net-based approach that helps manage demanding mobile broadband with efficient customer experience. The iSON that Nokia provides KDDI will offer a unified and flexible platform with an integration layer for cost efficient and dynamic multi-vendor operations. It improves network availability and saves manual effort by automatically tuning the networks to becoming more responsive to traffic fluctuations.

“KDDI’s multi-technology network from several vendors called for a solution that would address specific synchronization and optimization requirements,” said Scot Mottonen, head of CDMA/LTE business at Nokia Siemens Networks. “The iSON solution would allow for consistency and flexibility in these kinds of environments and would also minimize errors and operational costs. Efficient customer experience management through a single entire network view would also be one of the added advantages.”

In addition to deploying iSON, Nokia will also continue to provide professional services that integrate, implement and customize KDDI’s business processes with the solution.

Edited by Braden Becker

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