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November 06, 2012

Samsung Launches 'Samsung For Enterprise' Program to Find Safe Mobile Devices for Corporate Use

Bring your own device (BYOD) initiatives continue to gain adoption from employers and employees, and this has in turn seen internal IT departments and CIOs facing more severe challenges of data security. To help companies eliminate the risk of general devices that may compromise company data, Samsung has launched the Samsung For Enterprise (SAFE), a program of security standards to find safe mobile devices to use.

SAFE devices offer advanced data features and device-based verification.

SAFE devices will meet Samsung’s own strict and comprehensive reliability and security standards, and SAFE-approved apps for corporate use will offer on-device encryption (ODE), VPN and mobile device management (MDM) capabilities to let IT managers offer industry-level control and security.

The program would ultimately make mobile device management easy and end Android platform fragmentation worries.

SAFE consists of the SAFE Platform, SAFE Partner Program and SAFE Quality Assurance. The SAFE Platform offers a security-oriented SDK for developing differentiated solutions on Samsung devices. Solution Partners can provide stronger security on the device level through Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) and on-device encryption (ODE) to corporate employees.

The SAFE Partner Program avails features such as VPN and MDM to Solution Partners using Samsung’s B2B platform. The partner program also provides up-close technical support to Solution Partners to better collaborate in developing solutions based on Samsung devices. 

The SAFE Quality Assurance pillar helps corporate IT departments select devices that meet their security requirements as well as those that fit with their corporate environment. Samsung provides in-house reviews that are based on SAFE Program standards and recommend solutions that work for them.

The company is continuously expanding its SAFE Quality Assurance provisions to better meet the needs of corporate users.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to evaluate the various platforms and products on the market. SAFE allows app developers, IT departments and users to work to a common standard by giving products extra credibility and publicizing product and service excellence to the market.

Samsung also provides the latest information through the SAFE website in regard to applicable regions and solutions, and enables consumers to check for app or device SAFE proof of authentication which comes labeled with a SAFE logo, whether on the device box or on the app description page on the App store.

Edited by Braden Becker

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