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November 09, 2012

The European Commission Comes to the Rescue of 4G/LTE Networks

The data connection world is obsessed with the issue of network bandwidth. In a bid to answer the market forces call, Internet Service Providers have sought solace in the amazing LTE and 4G networks. The European Commission has moved to offer a helping hand in the struggle by releasing a new drape of radio spectrum to give more space to play in.

The announcement gives 4G network providers an extra 120MHz spectrum, which will be available from 2014 at the latest. The deadline is believed to work on ensuring that companies struggle to accommodate the inevitable sharp increase in the use of broadband by mobile devices.

With so much strain on the radio spectrum after mobile service providers start hosting TV and radio broadcasting on their infrastructure, industry estimates put global mobile data growth at 26 percent by 2015. Cisco Systems believes that the mobile data traffic demands in the European Union will grow by over 90 percent each year for the next five years.

By availing more spectrum, European Union places itself in a better position to face the competition from countries with the fastest wireless connections in the world like the United States and Japan. In fact, the speeds are expected to be twice what customers in the United States experience.

The power of radio wave spectrum is a well-known one, a fact backed up by the care with which companies guard the spectrums they bought back in the 90s. However, the European Union is on the move to balance that out. In September, it forced telecom firms to share the space they have at their disposal as there seems to be no other option.

The  extra 4G spectrum will likely accelerate the functional use of the growing trend of using mobile devices for work and entertainment on the European continent as it has here in the states.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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