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November 27, 2012

iPad Completely Dominates Holiday Shopping on Mobile Devices at 88.3 Percent

Black Friday is now behind us, but the online shopping stats live on. Notably is how people went about shopping, especially on their mobile and tablet devices. According to a mobile shopping report released by IBM, the iPad completely dominated Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

At 88.3 percent, the iPad blew numbers away as a sales platform, leaving analysts wondering what the rest of the devices were doing. Following the iPad at a distance was the iPhone at 8.7 percent in mobile, while Android was reported to have 5.5 percent mobile shopping during the two days of shopping.

These figures are particularly interesting in light of a recent IDC report which showed that Apple has 50.4 percent of tablet market share, with Samsung, Asus and others eating up Apple’s share quickly. 

These figures are from the IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark, which showed that consumer spending had also increased and grown by 17.4 percent over last year for Thanksgiving, and increased by 20.7 percent for Black Friday over the same period. The report also showed that 24 percent of consumers used a mobile device to visit retailers’ sites up from 14.3 percent in 2011.

Forty-one percent of those who surfed for bargains on Black Friday used tablets.

According to IBM Smarter Commerce strategy director, Jay Henderson, “This year’s holiday shopper was hungry for great deals and retailers didn’t disappoint, rolling out compelling offers which consumers gobbled up on Thanksgiving straight through Black Friday.”

Henderson pointed out that CMOs who used technology to deliver customer experiences offering personalized deals at the right time and place are the big winners.

While Android may be winning the market share, it’s clear Apple is winning the platform battle.

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