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January 22, 2013

Access Your Desktop Media from an iOS Device Using the Tonido App

If you own a Windows computer and an iOS device like an iPhone or an iPad, then you know how nerve-racking it can be when you need to transfer files across the different platforms.  A personal cloud software and services provider, CodeLathe, however, has recently launched an iOS app that lets you watch videos, listen to music, see photos and open documents that are stored on your computer right from your iOS device. Additionally, this ability comes without the risks of data privacy and security associated with other cloud services.

Remote access and sharing that is effortless has always been a pain when dealing with different platforms. Unless you use services like Dropbox and Google Drive, you are not going to be able to stream or view your content from a different platform. With the Tonido iOS app that runs on both the iPhone and iPad, users have secure access to their home computer’s collection of music, videos and documents from anywhere without having to upload it to a public cloud service like Dropbox.

All users are required to do is to download the free Tonido server app onto their desktop and the free iOS app onto their iPhone or iPad. Using the Smart LAN switching technology, users can now access their files at gigabit speeds within home LAN networks, Wi-Fi or 3G mobile networks. The Tonido app also supports photos and video backups to the Tonido personal cloud and downloads for offline viewing.

Other Tonido features include Plug-n-Play remote access without the need to fiddle with router settings, an easy-to-remember web URL to your computer, automatic, multi-format live video transcoding and streaming and playlist support.

If you are ever doubtful of whether your public cloud service provider is using your personal data as a new source of income, thus compromising your safety and security, then Tonido is an alternative choice that offers cloud services without sacrificing data ownership.

Edited by Amanda Ciccatelli

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