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February 15, 2013

DonRiver Develops Platform to Allow Full Mobile OSS Support, Capabilities while Opening New Frontiers in Europe

Mobile device manufacturers are cramming more and more functionalities into their gadgets with every new release – a trend that demands their partners in the software programming end to come up with new apps that leverage these capabilities.

This has, in turn, yielded a cycle of improvements, which on the bright side leads to better user experiences.

One of the latest additions to the pool of innovations is DonRiver’s mobile Operational Support System (OSS) integration platform, aimed at delivering OSS functionalities to smart tablets and devices. Originally created to help field agents finish work orders, client feedback has unearthed new ways in which the innovation can improve client working experiences.

Going by the name, My Mobile OSS, the platform gives a modern way of accessing and manipulating data generated by systems that are currently not well-seated with emerging mobile applications.

Built using the latest Web and mobile technologies – and the ability to support, read, write and delete functionalities to an OSS – the platform gives virtually all the dynamics needed in the creation of fully interactive apps.

In addition to this, the My Mobile OSS platform supports HTML5 and native iPad functionalities, giving developers the power to create and deploy solutions that support loads of business processes. Such a build will allow field agents, OSS GM Directors and ticket managers to perform their tasks faster and more conveniently while on the move.

The solution will be on display alongside the DonRiver Network Inventory and Resource Management Platform at the 2013 GSMA Mobile Congress in Barcelona, Spain, from February 25 to 28.

To cater to the growing U.K. market, the company also announced it will be opening a European office in a bid to expand operations and nurture its U.K. client base.

Any expert will concur that the creation and implementation of OSS products is one of the trickiest tasks in the communications industry. Many solutions that are OSS builds exist, but none have a record of successful deployment – but the success in the deployment of My Mobile OSS platform is an achievement that serves as both a revelation and motivator in the field.

Edited by Braden Becker

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