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February 19, 2013

NETGEAR Teams Up with Global Wireless Technologies to Deliver Efficient and Cost Effective Mobile Broadband 3G/4G LTE Solutions

Delivering massive bandwidth to mobile devices has always been a barrier that many designers strive to overcome. Deploying reliable connections to customers who rely on mobile broadband for voice and data services remains prisoner to the overall size and price of the gadget in question.

To speed up the race to efficient small cell technology for 3G and 4G LTE connections, NETGEAR Inc. (NTGR) and Global Wireless Technologies (GWT) have announced a collaboration aimed at sharing ideas and innovation toward the bettering of wireless broadband connections.

Expert opinion and surveys show that mobile broadband will continually grow regardless of what specific platform it leverages. This will force service providers to either come up with individual solutions or enter into partnerships with a common goal of creating highly integrated and cost effective solutions.

NETGEAR and GWT’s designs take a new approach to the issue of eliminating shallow coverage areas. Currently, most solutions make use of mobile relays to boost 3G/4G coverage and capacity. NTGR and GWT will use an implementation that avoids noise degradation to the same effect.

GWT comes into the partnership with its tiered approach that delivers scalable solutions to homes, small businesses and enterprises in comparison to what the current market has to offer. By leveraging GWT’s disruptive relay technology, NETGEAR will use its product platform to create user-friendly solutions whose performance is next to none.

David Gross, the director of product marketing, GWT and Robert Mackinnon, NETGEAR product line manager for broadband, both expressed their contentment with the partnership. They both believe that combining the solutions they individually create will pave way for the creation of unique and powerful 3G/4G LTE mobile broadband solutions.

With cloud computing becoming a staple for many companies and employees increasingly accessing their office work while on the go, the use of mobile broadband is growing. To remain top on the preference list, companies have to look for ways in which to deliver high quality connections on demand. Failure to do this will lead to serious deterioration of company reputation.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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