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March 31, 2016

IDology Mobile Identity Spectrum Suite Targets Mobile Fraud

IDology uses its software to help companies fight fraud and identify customer identities and documents from a range of devices. It recently announced the launch of its new Mobile Identity Spectrum Suite for identity verification and ExpectID Scan Onboard tool for document verification and customer onboarding.

John Dancu, the CEO of IDology, commented in his company’s announcement about growing consumer mobile use and the barriers inherent in sign-up procedures that enterprises face when dealing with their customers through smartphones and tablets.

“Consumers are relying on their mobile devices more and more for all types of transactions, and we are removing many barriers to entry inherent in mobile that come from the sign up process and security,” Dancu explained.  He added, “Acquiring customers on a mobile device has historically been a challenging process…Entering information on a mobile phone or tablet is cumbersome and often leads to form abandonment.”

In terms of capabilities, Mobile Identity Spectrum allows customers to build their own online identity through various tools that work in the background within enterprises’ networks. The ID Scan Onboard tool scans an identification document with the built-in camera in a smartphone or tablet. It then allows forms to be pre-populated with existing customer information for ease of gaining access to new services.

The solution’s included identity verification capabilities scan such information to check for any signs of fraud. If it finds signs of fraud, step-up authentication gives consumers the chance to further verify their identity through follow-up questions.

Once consumers are allowed into a network, the Mobile Identifier tool then takes the lead and links IDs with mobile devices to quickly identify individuals when they complete further interactions with their chosen brands. Active transaction monitoring scans users’ devices during every following visit to check the mobile bind and halt fraudulent attempts to access accounts.

All together, Mobile Identity Spectrum and release of its new ID Scan Onboard tool can help secure enterprises’ networks from unwanted visitors and help keep their customers safe from fraud, which could lead to false product purchases and the stealing of customer identities.

Edited by Peter Bernstein

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