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February 28, 2013

Pantech to use Radvision's BEEHD Video Client Framework to Create Handsets Supporting High-Quality Video Transmissions over 4G LTE

Long-term evolution (LTE) networks, marketed as 4G LTE, offer high-speed data connections for mobile phones and data terminals. The wireless communication offers an exacting solution to frequent users who want considerable bandwidth while one the move.

With the number of LTE compliant phones and countries /regions supporting LTE are on the rise, partnerships to create devices engineered to make use of LTE’s bandwidth to transmit high-quality sound and video, like the one between Radvision and Pantech, will soon become a common occurrence.

This partnership will allow Pantech, one of Korea’s top mobile handset manufacturers, to use Radvision’s BEEHD Video Client Framework in the design and development of video-enabled Android LTE mobile devices.

Since its maiden launch by TeliaSonera in Oslo, Stockholm, on December 14, 2009, the LTE standard has always been the upgrade dream path for mobile service providers. With a practical data throughput of 3 to 5 mbps and a potential for hitting 100 to 300 mps, LTE networks offer enough bandwidth for excellent voice quality in calls, smooth video streaming and video calls – and seamless transfer from one network tower to another.

Pantech plans to use the BEEHD Video Client Framework to create LTE Android handsets running on Qualcomm chipsets. By leveraging BEEHD’s APIs, optimized media engine, patent video quality technology, flexible signaling capacities and other optional but innovative features, Pantech has the opportunity to reduce the time to market of its new devices, while optimizing on interoperability and device quality.

The BEEHD Client Framework is available in three variants – desktop, personal device and enterprise, with all the builds based on same core APIs and packing the ability to connect to everyone regardless of the deployment platform, without compromising the quality of experience.

In addition, the BEEHD Client Framework has inbuilt IMS/VoLTE capabilities that support the creation of video-enabled mobile devices, with support for IMS/VoLTE compliant networks.

Though the creation of LTE compliant handsets is good news to those who desire real huge bandwidth access from their mobile phones, there still are many obstacles to clear before the real benefits of the connections come to fruition.

With just a few carriers like Sprint, Verizon and AT&T offering LTE coverage to specific areas of the world – and other countries/carries on the move to roll out this next-generation mobile connection technology – having an LTE-enabled device now will surely prepare you for what is coming.

Edited by Braden Becker

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